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February 04, 2015 5 Comments

my husband and i were married over 6 years before we were blessed with our first child.  we tried, unsuccessfully, for years to get pregnant.   i remember those days.  waiting.  hoping.  wishing.  those days seemed to drag on.   months turned into years.  and infertility appointments.  lots of doctor visits.  various out patient procedures.  all i wanted was to speed up time.  

one day, the lines turned pink.  we were pregnant.  we were so excited.  then morning sickness set in.  i was so sick.  every day.  all day.  those nine months were long.  and uncomfortable.  my feet grew three sizes.  it was a long, hot summer.  all i wanted was to speed up time. 

our daughter was born.  we were so happy.  and so scared.  there was no manual.  how could something as fragile and complicated as a human being not come with detailed instructions?  our daughter did not sleep.  ever.   breast feeding was hard.  changing diapers became a full time job.  could i potty train a one year old?  all i wanted was to speed up time.

much to our surprise, the lines turned pink again.  we were pregnant.  again.  with a 15 month old.  {and in case you were wondering, i could NOT potty train a one year old.}    and this time i looked like i swallowed the state of Rhode Island. which is weird because i spent the better part of every day with my head hung over the toilet.  again.  people would stop me in the grocery store.  strangers.  they would ask me, with wide eyes fixed on my huge belly, "how many babies are you having?"  all i wanted was to speed up time.  

with a newborn and a toddler, i spent the better part of each new day wondering about the next stage.  would it be easier?  it had to be easier.  things could not possibly get harder.  one day i would sleep through the night again.  one day i would leave the house without looking like a sherpa carrying diaper bags, strollers, favorite toys, blankets and no less then two changes of clothes.  one day they would feed themselves.  and i would not have to scrape peas off the floor.  and the ceiling.  all i wanted was to speed up time.  

then one day i read a quote.  it made me stop in my tracks.  it caused my heart to hurt and my head to spin.  

all i wanted was to stop time. 

i decided i needed to read those words.  each day.  i needed a reminder that they are only little.  once.  i needed to slow down.  and enjoy as many moments as i could.  and i wanted to remember their pudgy little hands.  forever.  so i created a poster.  and i rolled those pudgy little fingers in ink.

and i carefully arranged their hands on the poster.  

and i framed it.  and hung it up.  and i looked at that poster.  every day.  

friends have come over and asked why we have such a sad message hanging on our wall.  i guess you could read that message and be sad.  but i am not sad when i read that message.  i am instead reminded to slow down.  to take deep breathes.  to enjoy these little people that were given to us.  {without instructions}.  

so we let the dishes sit in the sink a few hours longer and we read books together each night.  we stop by the park and let them swing instead of rushing home to put away the groceries.  because one day they will not want to snuggle in our bed with books.  and a pit stop at the park, well that will likely not happen.   so we are enjoying these moments.  the big ones.  and the little ones.  

we are now offering this poster in our shop.  we want to share these words with you, too.  so that you can share them with your family.  and your friends.   maybe you'll capture those chubby little handprints.  and be reminded that life is worth slowing down for.  

are you trying to speed up time?  or are you trying to slow it down?

5 Responses

Ron Greene
Ron Greene

June 22, 2018

My wife and I are 69/68, married for 40 years with a 39 year old daughter, and a 35 year old son, and 5, so far, children between them.
Men aren’t supposed to get sentimental, but I do! I have enjoyed our children through every stage of their life. I’m doing the same again with the grandchildren. I’m a retired photographer and a standup comedian. This sign speaks to my heart.


May 03, 2018

Would love one of these for Mother’s Day. How can I order one? I would like prints of a 4 yr. old and 2 yr old. This is adorable!

Elisa Valero
Elisa Valero

February 13, 2018

Can someone please get in touch with me? I run a small day care and I need 10 of this… is there a way I can get them in bulk? (10)….


December 31, 2016

So precious and so true.. my babies have babies of their own. PLUS I HAVE 36 little ones.. I am a teacher. Would love to do this for my families..


February 19, 2016

Hello there. I LOVE THIS POSTER! Such sweetness! I would like to purchase one from you, BUT….I have 4 little boys hands to capture. (Yes, I am SO lucky and SO blessed!) Is there any way to put 4 hands on the poster? Can you change the layout to accommodate this? Please let me know. Thank you so much! Please contact me.

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